Michael Sheedy

I help software companies profit from customer data, without violating privacy laws.


Privacy Experience – Build trust by going beyond compliance

The way companies are implementing privacy laws is a major contributor to the lack of trust that now exists and a wasted opportunity to use privacy as a competitive advantage. Companies can build trust and increase people's willingness to share data by going beyond compliance to create what I call a positive Privacy Experience.

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Zoom's mistake, an opportunity for others

Zoom is getting a lot of bad press due to its (mis-)handling of privacy and security. Among others, I've read articles in The Intercept, The Interface, The Guardian, and Citizen Lab. I think some very important context has been missing in everything I've read so far.

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Privacy UX Resources

People-centred resources for product teams that want to design better privacy experiences.


Customer Data Review

I'll review, revise, and add suggestions to your Customer Data Template, and return to you for approval within 5 business days..


Customer Data Template

How to build a customer data foundation that everyone in your organisation trusts and benefits from.


Communication Plan Template

When to trigger different types of communication to your users and keep them engaged or learn why they aren't.

Hi, I'm Michael Sheedy and I've been a designer for twenty years. For the last seven years I've helped startups, agencies, and brands like Apple, Cisco, and Century Link with Product Design. After experiencing firsthand the transformative power that good customer data can have on software companies, I made it central to how I help.

With the right strategy and implementation, any team or individual can use customer data to make every aspect of the company and the customer's experience better.

If you'd like to talk, get in touch by email or book a call.